Take Action!

Do Your Part to Stop Route 92!

Check back here frequently for ways you can participate in the public process. As soon as the final EIS is released you can find the announcement posted here. In the meantime, why not contact Governor Corzine and tell him to stop Route 92. Contact info is below:

Here is a letter in Word format that you can print and mail to Corzine. Feel free to personalize it if you like.

Or call Governor Corzine at 609-292-6000.
Tell him to use the money for transportation construction that we really need - in our own neighborhoods !

Gov. Jon Corzine
The State House
PO Box 001
Trenton, NJ 08625


Can you help us stop 92?
Please contact us at
We would be happy to put you on our Route 92 Citizen Action mailing list. (And we promise not to bombard you with emails. :-)